Personal Growth

Personal growth is the process by which you become aware of your values, beliefs, and the purpose you wish to pursue

By investing in  yourself  and managing your life  effectively, regardless of what challenges you might encounter,  you can  experience a  richer and more fullfilling  life , by developing  your full potential.

Personal growth is an important part of one's growth, maturity, success and happiness. Personal growth can help you in all areas of your life. It can change the way you think about yourself, to help you grow emotionally, mentally and psychologically and become a more loving, compassionate and positive person. It’s a process of active learning and developing new skills.

 As you continue to grow, you will design your own life, based on who you are. You will  embark on an extraordinary and meaningful journey  as you pursue yourn ownn goals and  path in life.

Through Personal  Growth you can:

  • Increase your self-awareness to get to know yourself deeper
  • Make clear decisions  to align with what you want to accomplish in your life.
  • Have a sense of direction to prioritize your objectives by knowing and using your strenghts
  • Increase motivation by seeing  the benefits and taking action.
  • Have greater confidence,  resilience, and interpersonal skills to cope with difficulties.
  • Develop stronger, fulfilling relationships 

 Personal Development is about taking the time and making the commitmnet to invest in your greatest resource - YOU.

 it’s never too late for personal growth. Now is definitely a good time to be doing this!

We will use many techniques to help you grow, including creative visualization, effective communication, using words that change your  thoughts, increasing self-esteem, develop a positive mindset, and living and enjoying the present moment. You can learn to look at your actions and your life with an unbiased and open perspective.

Please feel free to contact me!

Office Location

Office Hours

Please note that I will only be seeing patients virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic for the time being.



11:00 am-6:00 pm


11:00 am-7:00 pm


11:00 am-7:00 pm


3:00 pm-7:00 pm


11:00 am-6:00 pm



